Past Events

A partial list of political events by date. Press on the links to view online recordings of events since 2020.


October 2024

08 In this Socialist Labour Network/Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, four activists speak on the One Democratic State in Palestine, in the context of the genocidal attack on Gaza. Chaired by Esther Giles, with Dr. Ghada Karmi, Tony Greenstein, Prof. Haim Bresheeth and Rania Khalek

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One Democratic State in Palestine

Tony Greenstein:
Ghada Karmi:
Haim Bresheeth:
Rania Khalek:

March 2024

17 In this Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, Dr. Yaar Dagan examines the history and practices of drone production and military use by the Israeli IDF, especially in the context of the genocidal attack on Gaza. Chaired by Dr. Les Levidow.

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Drones, Gaza and the ICJ

February 2024

28 In this Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, Prof. Saree Makdisi, of UCLA, discussed his most recent book, Tolerance is a Wasteland: Palestine and the Culture of Denial, in the context and on the background of the Israeli genocidal attack in Gaza. Prof. Makdisi has requested that the lecture will not be recorded, so we are posting a very similar lecture on the same topic, given at the University of Waterloo. The meeting was Chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth, Jewish Network for Palestine.

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The Culture of Denial and the Meaning of Gaza

January 2024

27 In this SLN webinar, Holocaust Memorial Day meeting, a number of JNP members and patrons have taken part. Speakers this year included two Jewish holocaust survivors - Stephen Kapos and Suzanne Weiss - Ilan Pappe, Ghada Karmi, Ronnie Kasrils and Tony Greenstein. Chaired by Esther Giles of SLN Steering Committee.

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Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting 2024


October 2023

29 In this Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, three speakers discuss the illegal support by the EU of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, the reason for it, and how to struggle to change it. David Cronin is a renowned journalist, Prof. Jeff Halper is an anthropologist and the founder of the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions, and Prof. Ilan Pappe is the Director of the European Centre for Palestine Studies, Exeter University. The meeting was Chaired by Dr. Les Levidow, Jewish Network for Palestine. The webinar took place on October 29, 2023.

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EU and Israel: Support for Genocide

September 2023

19 In this Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner is in conversation with Prof. Avi Shlaim about his new book, There Worlds: Memoirs of an Arab-Jew (OneWorld, 2023) The webinar took place on September 19, 2023.

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Avi Shlaim speak about his new book: Three Worlds

July 2023

24 In this Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, chaired by David Cannon, Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner is in conversation with Antony Loewenstein about his new book, The Palestine Laboratory (Verso, 2023) The webinar took place on July 24, 2023.

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Antony Loewenstein's Book Launch of The Palestine Laboratory

June 2023

16 In this Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner, Low Key interviews Dr. Gahda Karmi about her new book, One State: The Only Democratic Future for Palestine-Israel (Pluto Press, 2023) The webinar took place on June 16, 2023.

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Ghada Karmi's book Launch: One State

May 2023

2 In this Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, chaired by Prof. Hagit Borer, Prof, Haim Bresheeth-Zabner and Prof. Raef Zreik speak about Israel, How did in get to this? - and analyse the event since early 2023. The webinar took place on May 2, 2023.

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Israel: How did it get to this?


April 2023

26 In this Jewish Network for Palestine/ Convivencia Alliance webinar, chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner, Dr. Francesca Alabanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine, speaks about her mission. The two repondents were Prof. Nur Masalaha, SOAS and Prof. Ilan Pappe, University of Exeter. The webinar took place on March 3, 2023.

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Meet Francesca Albanese

March 2023

03 In this Jewish Network for Palestine webinar, chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner, Omar Barghouti from the BDS movement, and Tali Shapiro from Boycott from Within in Israel, explain the need and reasons to act against the Normalisation of Israel and Zionism. The webinar took place on March 3, 2023.

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Against Normalisation of Israel

January 2023

22 This meeting is the second webinar of the Convivencia Alliance, launched in London on
May 8, 2022. It deals with the
Jewish perspective on the Convivencia Declaration.
The speakers were:
Ronnie Kasrils, Former Minister in the ANC government
Naomi Wimborne-Isrissi, Media Officer, Jewish Voice for Labour
Prof. Daniel Boyarin, University of California Berkeley
Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner, SOAS, University of London
The meeting was Chaired by Dr. Les Levidow, Open University, UK

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Jewish Perspectives on the Convivencia Alliance


November 2022

01 Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner discussed the results of the November 1, 2022 Israeli elections,
Chaired by
John Pickard of Left Horizons jointly with Jewish Network for Palestine

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The Israeli Election and how it will affect Palestinians

Tony Greenstein launches his book Zionism During the Holocaust, on a Jewish Network for Palestine webinar, chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner on November 13, 2022

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Tony Greenstein on Zionism During the Holocaust

October 2022

25 This meeting is the first webinar of the Convivencia Alliance, launched in London on
May 8, 2022. It deals with the
Christian perspective on the Convivencia Declaration.
The speakers were:
Prof. Allan Aubrey Boesak, University of Pretoria
Prof. Mark Braverman, Executive Director Kairos US
Jonny Clark, Northern Ireland
Rifat Odeh Kassis, Director, Kairos Palestine, Jerusalem
The meeting was Chaired by Rev. Dr. Stephen Sizer, Chairman of the Convivencia Alliance

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Christian Perspectives on the Convivencia Alliance

01 Antony Lerman discusses his recent book Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? Redefinition and the Myth of the 'Collective Jew' (Pluto, 2022) and answers audience questions. The webinar was organised by Jewish Network for Palestine and chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner

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Antony Lerman discusses his recent book Whatever Happened to Antisemitism?

September 2022

08 One Democratic State Campaign, took place in London, at the Brunei Gallery, SOAS, London, and was organised by the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition, Jewish Network for Palestine and the One Democratic State Campaign. Chaired by Lind Ramsden, ICHAD (UK) and addressed by Prof. Jeff Halper (ICHAD and ODSC), Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner (JNP and ODSC) and Dr. Ghada Karmi (BRICUP and ODSC)

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One Democratic State Campaign

May 2022

08 The Convivencia Alliance Public Launch, took place in London, at the P21 Gallery and was organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission and Jewish Network for Palestine. This is an alliance with many other organisations from across the world for Just peace in Palestine.

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The Convivencia Alliance Public Launch

19 Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner discusses his recent book An Army Like No Other: How the IDF Made A Nation (Verso, 2020) and answers audience questions. The webinar was organised by Lambeth and Wandsworth Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Jewish Network for Palestine and chaired by Robyn Dasey.

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Haim Bresheeth-Zabner discusses his recent book An Army Like No Other

04 Jonathan Kuttab speaks about his book Beyond The Two-State Solution: - Jonathan is a human Right Lawyer co-founder of Al-Haq, Palestine; chaired by Prof Haim Bresheeth-Zabner. Organised by Jewish Network for Palestine

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Jonathan Kuttab speaks about his book Beyond The Two-State Solution

April 2022

10 Mizrahim 3: Factories and Walls: Mizrahi and Palestinian Labor in Jerusalem 1950-2005: - Prof. Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, New York University, chaired by Prof Haim Bresheeth-Zabner. Organised by Jewish Network for Palestine

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Mizrahim 3: Factories and Walls

March 2022

31 A Land With A People: Prof. Rosalind Petchesky and Mohammed Rafik Mhawesh speak about the book and process; chaired by Prof Haim Bresheeth-Zabner. Organised by Jewish Network for Palestine

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A Land With A People

23 Mizrahim 2: Remembering the 1950s - Dr. Hilla Dayan, Amsterdam University College, chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner. Organised by Jewish Network for Palestine

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Mizrahim 2: Remembering the 1950s

13 Mizrahim 1: Nullified by Holocaust and Nakba: Arabised-Jews, 1937-1956 - Dr. Moshe Behar, Manchester University, chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner. Organised by Jewish Network for Palestine

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Mizrahim 1: Nullified by Holocaust and Nakba

January 2022

16 Palestine Action: Targeting the Uk-Israel Arms Trade, with Dr. Les Levidow (JNP) and Huda Ammori, Joe Wilkes and Richard Barnard (Palestine Action), chaired by Prof Haim Bresheeth. Organised by Jewish Network for Palestine and the Israel Objector Campaign

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Palestine Action: Targeting the Uk-Israel Arms Trade

February 2022

16 The Tantura Massacre Revisited, with Prof. Ilan Pappe, Exeter University and Chair of the European Centre for Palestine Studies, chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner (JNP). Organised by Jewish Network for Palestine

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The Tantura Massacre Revisited


April 2021

04 Discussion of the film Objector,
by a panel including Prof. Nurit Peled-Elhanan, Dr. Ghada Karmi and, chaired by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner. Organised by Jewish Network for Palestine and the Israel Objector Campaign

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Discussion of the film Objector


November 2020

14 The Balfour Declaration: A Century Later, Dr. Bernard Regan interviewed about his book The Balfour Declaration (Verso, 2018) by Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner

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The Balfour Declaration: A Century Later

28 Zionism’s Christian Soldiers: promoting the settler-colonial project over the past century, Dr. Stephen Sizer speaking about his book Zionism’s Christian Soldiers, (IVP, 2007), Chaired by Dr. Les Levidow

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Zionism’s Christian Soldiers

December 2020

05 IDF and the Israeli Arms Trade, Dr. Shir Hever and Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner discuss their work on the topic The Privatisation of Israeli Security (Pluto, 2017) and An Army Like No Other (Verso, 2020); Chaired by David Cannon, Jewish Network for Palestine

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IDF and the Israeli Arms Trade

13 Jewish Identity in Israel, Prof. Shlomo Sand speak of his books on the topic, and his most recent The Imagined Race: From Judeophobia to Zionism (Hebrew, 2020), with Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner

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Jewish Identity in Israel, Prof. Shlomo Sand


November 2019

1-2 Interfaith for Palestine Conference, Chester Palestine Conference,

15-30 London Palestine Film Festival, at the Barbican, ICA, SOAS and other venues,

17-26 Leeds Film Festival - see Elia Suleiman’s new film: It Must Be Heaven

18 'Balfour to Boris Johnson; exposing & reversing Britain's role in Palestinian oppression'
6.15pm Bridewell Hall, Bridewell Lane, London EC4Y 8EQ

19 Makan's discussion of Kashmir & Palestine in SOAS Brunei Gallery; room B104, 7:00pm

20 Palestine Solidarity Campaign v HMG re BDS at Supreme Court, Little George St, Westminster, London SW1P 3BD

23 The Palestine Question in Europe - A one-day conference looking at the Palestine-Israel question through the lens of Europe.

27 National Day to lobby your MP re Palestine in parliament - to partake, you must contact your MP and get admitted to the event!

December 2019

8 Psychoanalysts Lara and Stephen Sheehi will present papers at a special meeting organised with Political Minds and the Centre for Researching and Embedding Human Rights at Birkbeck University. 
10:30 - 13:00 Bikrbeck College: 
Stephen Sheehi: The Settlers Town is a Strongly Built Town: Fanon in Palestine
Lara Sheehi: Toward a Decolonial Clinical Praxis: A Case Example from Palestine
Prof Samir Gandesha